My LO is so funny. The things she says amazes me, and well sometimes surprise me! We were playing one day and she dropped something and outta nowhere she said "oh shit!" I couldn't believe it. I stood there with my jaw open not knowing to laugh, cry, or put soap in her mouth like a Christmas story. I mean clearly she learned it from us. And not only did she say it, the problem was she used it at the right moment. She knows what it means! So now I'm walking around editing myself saying "oh poop". Her new thing to say is "oh my god". I swear this little girls learns words as fast as you say them. She's not even two yet and she puts me in my place. At the store one day I was pushing a cart and told her she could help. She repeatedly moved my hand I said, stop roo. Which she replied "no no mama, I do". I'd love to put her on kids say the darnedest things. Hopefully it's censored! :/ HELP!!!!

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