Today we went on a nice family walk. We looked at the trees, fish, turtles, flowers and water. It was a beautiful day. Until a giant snake almost ate my baby. I know, I know your probably thinking WOW she's exaggerating. Im not! Thinking back my husband said "lets just leave it be and go this way." I think that was his way of saying lets get the hell outta here with out being a scaredy cat. It is the biggest snake i have bumped into. Atleast thats not wrapped around a singer or animal show people.

We were just walking through the grass to show my oldest child this little door my daughter found. I see my daughter almost step on this snake and try to pick it up.I have never been so scared in my life. I flew for her and picked her up. I've seen survivor man enough to know what is going to happen if she gets bit by a snake. Again I know your thinking, I'm crazy. To me ALL snakes are poisonous!!!! I no lie had a mini heart attack. Lets just say our tip was a short one! And kids and I avoided grass for the rest of the day!
What I felt like!!!!

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