Now I know alot of people say staying home to raise your kids is a job. I don't think of it as a job. I'm not asking to be paid, or complaining. But it with out a doubt, work. Now I have worked part time doing retail and nannied while being a full time mommy. I can definently say that being a stay at home mom is never ending work. Don't get me wrong I love it!!! I saw a post on my news feed yesterday from a lady saying " stay at home moms love to complain about how hard it is, get a real job". I dont think thats fair! i think working moms have tough/easy days just like us stay at home moms. There are some days that are smooth sailing, but others i want to rip my hair out. Days that i would kill to be able to go the bathroom in peace, without my oldest deciding thats the perfect time to ask me for a snack. Clearly this lady has perfect kids. That when she cleans they all help instead of running through it like a tornando like mine. My kids are not bad kids, they are kids. I'm hoping this lady was just having a bad day. In the end both working parents and stay at home parents, both have someone they are doing stuff for during the day. Someone else who basically runs the show. So lets just end the battle of who works harder and just appriciate the ones who take care of the kids and the one who is out working at the job! Both of you are helping in your situation!

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