I took my daughter out to a kids play place today. While watching her play and me chasing her around I take my phone out to snap some pictures. I look around and all the other moms are there on their phones. At first I think at least I'm not the only picture crazy mom. But while running around chasing my LO I see the moms phones. They are ALL playing candy crush. Now dont get me wrong, I play games. I also can admit I'm on my phone ALOT! Usually taking pictures of my kids. I also can admit I do check my Facebook status. But I can say that when I am out with my kids, I'm out with them. Candy crush is like crack. JUST SAY NO!!!! If you find your self playin candy crush while out in public (work, shopping, child important events) or while having girls nite out, adult time....you have a problem. You should probably look into candy crush rehab. Or passages at Malibu. I personally want to go there. I'm not sure I they are taking candy crush addict but if they are... It looks like a great vaca!


I took my kids strawberry picking this weekend it was really fun! The kids had a blast. My little one was eating them every time I looked at her. Between what she ate and the amount we paid for, I'd say we left with like 6/7 lbs. Surprising my oldest even enjoyed it, even though it was a video game. Now I have to find something to do with them all....say tuned for a cooking or craft blog. Pinterest here i come!!!!


At the gym the other day I notice while running on the treadmill that I'm probably the only one not listening toy iPod/iPhone. I must look like an idiot...or broke! But I personally am just enjoying the silence. All day I here "mama I need" or "mom where's my" (cuz I'm the seeker in my house. I know where everything misplaced by anyone is.) So the 30 or 60 minutes I'm on a machine dying, I enjoy doing it quietly! If I could tell you how many times a day I hear the song or my kids sing gangnam style you wouldn't believe me. Lets put it this way I think I speak fluent Korean! After all the years hearing "silence is golden". I GET IT NOW!!!


First off I want to apologize for my lack my lack of posts. I've just been enjoying the weather with my kids.

Okay.....My daughter is such a typical little girl. She hates bugs and loves anything pretty. She spotted a fuzzy caterpillar in her path and stood there saying eww for fifteen minutes to let EVERYONE at the cookout know she was not pleased. But my oldest son saved the day. Come running over with a baseball bat lmao! Two peas in a pod!


My LO is so funny. The things she says amazes me, and well sometimes surprise me! We were playing one day and she dropped something and outta nowhere she said "oh shit!" I couldn't believe it. I stood there with my jaw open not knowing to laugh, cry, or put soap in her mouth like a Christmas story. I mean clearly she learned it from us. And not only did she say it, the problem was she used it at the right moment. She knows what it means! So now I'm walking around editing myself saying "oh poop". Her new thing to say is "oh my god". I swear this little girls learns words as fast as you say them. She's not even two yet and she puts me in my place. At the store one day I was pushing a cart and told her she could help. She repeatedly moved my hand I said, stop roo. Which she replied "no no mama, I do". I'd love to put her on kids say the darnedest things. Hopefully it's censored! :/ HELP!!!!

Try that with a two year old who is throwing herself out of the sling! Or "tickle tickle" on your arm pits!!!
That's how it ACTUALLY looks. Excuse the 530 am look!

Now you see all those sites and videos that are for moms to workout with their cute little babies. You don't see many with toddlers. Or at least MY toddler. This morning i put on a excersise DVD and attempted it with her. Thought it would be fun like the just dance game (which she plays with me). WRONG!!! She kept crawling under me when I was doing push ups. Sit ups were impossible she kept sitting on my stomach and jumping. Then the jumping jacks she kept grabbing my hand every time it went down and saying "no mama". It's just not working. How can one have a healthy life style with a crazy obsessed toddler on the loose. I'm going to keep trying..now that I quit smoking I have to get rid of that weight! But let's be real, it's going to be fun!!!!

What I'd rather do in my work out clothes!

Decided to go for a long 5.5 mile walk today. got the water bottles and our sneakers in. Put the little on in the stroller and we were off. It was a beautiful morning. Now my area isn't the prettiest to walk around. I decided to go off my normal path and it caught me by surprise. Thought I walked right outta my town. It's funny how if you make the slightest change in your normal routine it can surprise you!


THIRTEEN loads of laundry!!!! How is that even possible!?!? I never have anything to wear but I have enough clothes for THIRTEEN loads of laundry. That is just insane! I spent a whole day doing it! Does anyone else ever finish laundry and take that "I'm finished" breathe. Then realize some how there is a new load that appeared! I swear my family waits till I bring last load in. Then they get on their hidden walkey talkies to let each other it s time to change. I'm NEVER done with laundry!


I have been dying to fish since the weather starting getting warm. I finally got a day to go. I got the LO a new float so I felt safer with her at the pond. I brought my LO's toy fishing pole. It was actually a great day. She had a blast, and i got to fish. would have been better if I caught something but still it was a start!


It's crazy to me how kids can run around in cold water when it's not even hot. I tried to make the great escape without hitting the splash pad, it was a little chilly. The LO wasn't letting that happen "waterrrrr waterrrrrr". So I put her bathing suit on and let her go for it. Her lips were purple and her little legs were shaking she was so cold, but she just kept running in like it was nothing. Does anyone else have crazy kids that will play till frostbite kicks in?