A friend sent me this picture of a baby with painted eyebrows. She said that I should try it. Soooo I did! Must say I thought it was funny, she on the other hand wasn't so sure of it. I might just have to give it another shot!


I know I haven't been on here in a few days. The weather has just been gorgeous! I took the kids to the Freetown splash pad. Then we sat by the pool for the weekend! It was amazing! I hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as we did!!!!

You have to love Massachusetts weather! The beginning of this week we had to pull sweatshirts out. Now the next three days are going to be in the 90s, in MAY!!! Please make up your mind may! I love summer but I can't stand the humidity!!!! I need a pool ASAP!!!
The weather the next few days!
First the damn snake, now a killer bee. This wasn't any bee, it was the biggest bee in the world! Thank god my friend was here. It's the third one this week. My poor kids were so scared! I yelled upstairs to my son "shut all the doors now!" Thank god it was only a bee and not a burglar! My oldest decided to ask a million questions at that moment! "Why, who, how long!?!?" REALLy!!!!!! "There's a huge bee close the doors!" Next thing you hear is a ton if slamming. My daughter is gripping into me with her fingers clenched in my skin because mommy looks like an idiot running around and yelling! While my friend runs around with a magazine in her hand swatting it. Why are all the scary things coming to attack this week??? I'm done, anyone an exterminator that wants to rent a room??? Well until then ill fix it myself.
My actual door!!!
Don't need this guy flying around again!
Now I know alot of people say staying home to raise your kids is a job. I don't think of it as a job. I'm not asking to be paid, or complaining. But it with out a doubt, work. Now I have worked part time doing retail and nannied while being a full time mommy. I can definently say that being a stay at home mom is never ending work. Don't get me wrong I love it!!! I saw a post on my news feed yesterday from a lady saying " stay at home moms love to complain about how hard it is, get a real job". I dont think thats fair! i think working moms have tough/easy days just like us stay at home moms. There are some days that are smooth sailing, but others i want to rip my hair out. Days that i would kill to be able to go the bathroom in peace, without my oldest deciding thats the perfect time to ask me for a snack. Clearly this lady has perfect kids. That when she cleans they all help instead of running through it like a tornando like mine. My kids are not bad kids, they are kids. I'm hoping this lady was just having a bad day. In the end both working parents and stay at home parents, both have someone they are doing stuff for during the day. Someone else who basically runs the show. So lets just end the battle of who works harder and just appriciate the ones who take care of the kids and the one who is out working at the job! Both of you are helping in your situation!
My view from the car!!!
I have been waiting since the snow stopped to go fishing. This morning we packed our poles, snacks, and toys for the LO and we were off. The place we usually go is 45 mins away. I was nervous that if we did that the LO would fall asleep in the back of the car on the way. We decided to try one close to home. One we wanted to try since we moved. Well with my luck, we pulled in and the LO was ASLEEP. No lie, it was ten minutes from our house! So my daughter and I sat in the car. I listened to music while my daughter snored in the back and my husband fished. Story of my life! When she woke up we atleast went for a hike! But I'm on a mission to go fishing once this year!
Today we went on a nice family walk. We looked at the trees, fish, turtles, flowers and water. It was a beautiful day. Until a giant snake almost ate my baby. I know, I know your probably thinking WOW she's exaggerating. Im not! Thinking back my husband said "lets just leave it be and go this way." I think that was his way of saying lets get the hell outta here with out being a scaredy cat. It is the biggest snake i have bumped into. Atleast thats not wrapped around a singer or animal show people.

We were just walking through the grass to show my oldest child this little door my daughter found. I see my daughter almost step on this snake and try to pick it up.I have never been so scared in my life. I flew for her and picked her up. I've seen survivor man enough to know what is going to happen if she gets bit by a snake. Again I know your thinking, I'm crazy. To me ALL snakes are poisonous!!!! I no lie had a mini heart attack. Lets just say our tip was a short one! And kids and I avoided grass for the rest of the day!
What I felt like!!!!
Went into the ER today so my mom could be seen "QUICKLY"! Now at a normal hospital nothing is quick in ER. This particular hospital it's even slower than that, I came once with my son was in waiting room for FOUR hours!!!! We asked twice how much longer and was told both times we had four people on front of us. When people who came in hours after we did were being seen before us we just left. This time we have been here two hours. Just sent for an X-ray from the speedy med part?!?! What?!? Would love to hear your awesome hospital stories!
Has anyone else had to deal with this? I'm yelling at my oldest child to go upstairs for not listening. While I'm telling him this, he is arguing with me on why he doesn't want to! REALLY....I wonder if that was how I was as a child. I mean honestly being yelled at for not listening so you fight it by not listening! Not helping your case kiddo!!! So my LO comes running into the living room, she loves to see other people getting yelled at. She comes in like shes got a rocket attached to her and points her finger at her brother then upstairs and says "go 1,2,3" it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. I couldn't even be angry at the oldest anymore we were laughing so hard. My LO was just so serious about it!!!
I've been married almost six years this year! It's crazy to even say that!!!! Six years!!! My husband and I have gone through so much together. We have definently had our shares of ups and downs in that amount of time. We've gone through a very long deployment. It was my first deployment with him, i had no idea what to expect. I think that the deployment was hands down one of the hardest things I've ever gone through! The only thing I did expect was worry/fear/loneliness. But the amount of it was not even fathomable. The morning he left It was really early. I layed in bed I couldn't even open my eyes. I knew I'd cry and wouldn't be able to stop. It's hard to let go of the person you love, even more so when they are headed to a war zone. I just hugged him tight. Finally I walked him out. After he left I sat on the porch and just broke down for about a half hour. During the deployment i would not have my cell phone away from me. I slept with it every night scared I'd miss his call! I'd leave my computer open at all times so I could see if he skyped me or messaged me. To everyone else im sure I looked insane, but to me I didn't know when I'd hear from him again. And to be completely honest IF I'd hear from him again. Every conversation we had, I had to fight the tears back. When we video chatted I tried so hard to smile and not let him see how scared I was for him. I'm tearing up as I write this. But i kept busy. The days started to just go in auto pilot. He was gone I was here... thats when i started getting into photography again. I decided id take lots of pictures so my husband wouldnt miss a day of the 14months he was gone! Then the day he came home was amazing! My husband always tried to surprise me. I just had this feeling he was coming home. I called my mom, kept telling her. She wound up coming over just in case I was wrong. Knowing if I was wrong i would definently need her there. His dad came by and said he had some of my husbands mail down in the truck. I went down to get it and my husband was there!!!!!! I was so excited!!! I couldn't believe he was home. After all that excitement no one warned me it was going to be an adjustment. I was just so happy I didn't realize its been over a year since we have lived together. So we grew into our own little daily routine! We've had some other fun bumps on the way. Fast forward to having or lil baby girl! Me all hormonal and him a stubborn husband makes for a fun pregnancy lol! I don't know who was worse but we both are still alive lol. That's gotta say something! ;) After all these years, the way I love him hasn't changed. He can be the most stubborn man in the world, yet he still finds a way every now and then to surprise me. To make me smile. To make me think, yes this is why I married him! I couldn't imagine my life without him! When you find that person who makes you want to be a better person. Keep them! Let them know how much you care!